Some users of IE7 have difficulty logging in to various portal websites with IE7. Here are a couple of options to continue to use IE6.
1. Here is a link that installs an IE6 emulator. It functions for exactly one session and then reverts to IE7.
It was found it on nVidia’a partner website. They say:
“Currently, NVIDIA is working to ensure all its applications are compatible with the new version. In the meantime to login to the portal you will require Internet Explorer 6 (IE 6). NOTE: This does not mean you need to revert to IE 6, Microsoft has provided a utility that will allow you to access NVIDIA’s portal while continuing to use IE 7. This utility emulates IE 6 for your current browser session only. To quickly return to the portal after the utility is installed, we recommend you save the portal link as a Favorite in your browser. “
Using the Utility
Once the utility has been installed, go to Start > All Programs and select the “User Agent String Utility”. The dialog box below will appear. Select “Just change my settings” and then press the “Change Settings” button.
Thanks to Wynn Smith.
2. Upgrade local IE6 to IE7 but still run IE6 in Virtual PC 2004 for free:
Virtual PC 2004 SP1
Internet Explorer 6 Application Compatibility VPC Image to Charles Bernard.
DISCLAIMER: I have not tried either of these methods.